Signed in as:
Signed in as:
Your membership with the CBHSA assists in the preservation of the Breed by allowing the Society to participate in sponsoring Showing classes throughout Australia and New Zealand, particularly the Royal Shows and Royal Breed Shows and increase the public’s awareness of the versatility of the Cleveland Bay Purebreds and Part Breeds.
The Membership forms below may be downloaded and used for the purpose nominated. If you have difficulty downloading the forms and/or would like them, or any other information emailed or posted to you, please email the Secretary at: Most forms are Adobe Acrobat and this application will need to be installed to view the documents. Acrobat Reader is available free at the Adobe website.
Please note that Applications for Registration of your horse now requires 4 colour photographs to be included – both sides, front and rear images, clear and free of obstruction of view of the horse and its markings/scars/acquired brands.
Should you have any questions or require assistance with the forms, please do not hesitate to contact the Society Secretary (personal memberships) or Registrar (horse registrations). See the “Committee members contact details” page for current contact details.
NZ application payments only via PayPal.